Artemiranda, en colaboración con la marca coreana de acuarelas Mijello, ha puesto en marcha en la red social Facebook el primer concurso online de acuarela abierto a participantes de todos los países.
El grupo, para solicitar entrar como miembro y poder participar en el concurso:
El objetivo del concurso es dar a conocer una serie de colores pertenecientes a la gama Mission Gold Class cuya combinación permite la creación de obras de intensa pigmentación, texturas y contraste.
Estos colores son: Verde Bamboo, Ultramar claro, Marrón Rojizo, Amarillo Limón, Magenta Permanente y Azul Horizonte.
Los podéis encontrar en lotes de 6 tubos en el que se regalan 2 de ellos, o de forma suelta en tubos de 15ml cada color.
El concurso incluye en las bases los siguientes puntos:
“• Podrán participar todos los artistas de cualquier país del mundo mayores de 18 años.
. La obra deberá de realizarse con al menos 1 de los colores indicados.
IMPORTANTE: no se admitirán obras que incorporen colores ajenos a los presentes en dicha gama”.
Para inscribirse en el concurso es necesario seguir los siguientes pasos:
Para participar en este concurso online:
para recibir todas las novedades e información relevante relacionada con Artemiranda y ser cliente de nuestra tienda de Bellas Artes,
Quedarán excluidos los participantes que utilicen seudónimo. El nombre debe ser con el que están registrados como clientes en Artemiranda.
La fotografía, en jpg, debe de tener un peso máximo de 2 MB y una resolución de 300pp”.
El plazo de recepción de las obras al concurso acaba el 20 de diciembre de 2019 a las 24:00 horas y el fallo del jurado será el 1 de enero de 2020.
Los premios del concurso son:
Animaos a participar y descubrir las acuarelas Mijello.
Si queréis conocer la interesante historia y un test de las acuarelas de Mijello realizado por el pintor Cesc Farré podéis entrar en los siguientes artículos en nuestro blog:
Artemiranda, in collaboration with the Korean watercolors brand Mijello, has launched the first online watercolor contest open to participants from all countries on the Facebook social network.
The group, to request to enter as a member and be able to participate in the contest:
The objective of the contest is to present a series of colors belonging to the Mission Gold Class range whose combination allows the creation of works of intense pigmentation, textures and contrast. These colors are:
You can find them in a set of 6 tubes in which 2 of them are free, or in 15ml tubes each color.
Link to Mijello watercolor in Artemiranda.
The contest includes in the bases the following points:
“ • All artists from any country in the world over 18 can participate.
To participate in this online contest:
1) Register in our Artkádica newsletter through the following link
to receive all the news and relevant information related to Artemiranda and be a customer of our Fine Arts store.
2) Send to the Facebook group “1st Online Watercolor Contest Artemiranda – Mijello”, the following information: FULL NAME OF THE AUTHOR, TITLE OF THE WORK, MEASURES and COUNTRY (name_title_measures_country.jpg) together with a photograph of the work submitted to contest and the colored tubes used on one side of the work, which do not cover this. The tubes must be perfectly identified.
Participants who use a pseudonym will be excluded. The name must be with which they are registered as customers in Artemiranda.
The photograph, in jpg, must have a maximum weight of 2 MB and a resolution of 300 dpi.
The reception period will end on December 20, 2019 at 24:00 hours.
The winner and the participants in the contest will grant permission for the diffusion of their works and names in websites and social networks of the brand, and as a consequence of the participation in the contest, for the diffusion of the failure of the same, remaining all rights of intellectual property owned by artists.
The Jury will be formed by professionals from the art world.
The winning works will remain the property of their authors, not having to hand them over to the organization. The Prizes are endowed with Fine Arts Material:
The jury’s decision will be made public through this Facebook page “1st Online Watercolor Contest Artemiranda – Mijello” and in the social networks of Artemiranda on January 1, 2020.
The winners will also be communicated through the email provided in the registration to our Artkádica newsletter.
Registration and participation in the contest implies acceptance of these rules”.
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